Thoughts On Health…

As you may already know, the health status of our nation is appalling and yearly becoming worse. Despite our nation being one of the wealthiest in the world, our lifestyle…

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Low Back Exercises, Where to Begin?

Antelope Valley Patients and Friends, We are all aware of the importance of exercise for low back health, especially considering that 85% of U.S. adults suffer from low back pain…

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Dr. Duenas’ New Office Location!!

Dear Antelope Valley Patients and Friends, It gives me great pleasure to announce my new office location in Lancaster, CA starting JANUARY 2nd, 2012. Our new locale is 5,000s sq.…

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How To Prevent Back Pain From Striking Without Warning!

Why does this happen to so many people? And why does back pain come on so suddenly? Actually, something else is going on. What appears to be a sudden episode…

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Train This Way To Get The Physique You Want…

Given that one of our main office services is functional nutrition, we naturally have patients galore who are interested in losing weight. Along with this comes the question as to…

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